As computers are made of two-state electronic devices they can understand only pulse and no-pulse ( or '1' and '0' ) conditions. Therefore, all instructions and data should be written using binary codes
1 and 0. The binary code is called the "machine code" or "machine language".
Computers do not understand English, Hindi and Tamil. They respond only to machine language. Added to this, computers are not identical in design, therefore, each computer has its own machine language. (However \, the script 1 and 0, is the same for all computers ). This poses two problems for the user.
First, it is difficult to understand and remember the various combinations of 1's and 0's representing numerous data and instructions. Also, writing error free instructions is a slow process.
Secondly, since every machine has its own machine language, the user cannot communicate with other computers ( if he does know its language ). Imagine a Tamilian making his first trip to Delhi.
He would face numerous obstacles as the language barrier would prevent him from communicating.
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